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How To Use A Mouth Call for Turkeys


Calling Turkeys with a Mouth call has long hailed a reputation for being some voodoo that's reserved for only the old Sage of the Hardwoods. Now, not to discredit these fellas, but we all start somewhere. Some of us start later than others and so it's just a matter of where you are in your journey for beginning to use a Mouth Call for calling turkeys. 

I clearly remember the first turkey call I ever bought and tried to use, I was around about 5th or 6th grade and I recall a Scoutmaster on a campout asking me what in the hell kind of noise I was attempting to make with that thing. I will also add that he never took the time to stop and offer any advice on what I could do to get started using a mouth call for turkeys. 

Along with some calls that were designed for easy use for a beginner like The HeadCrushser
 or Jezebel, Old Place Outdoors has created a series of numerous in-depth and 100% free tutorials to help unpack some of the biggest challenges that are faced when beginning to use a mouth turkey call. These videos will take you from the ground up to understand what it takes to use a mouth call and how to call turkeys with mouth calls. 

Check Out the Library of Videos Below to Learn to Use a Mouth Call

Using A mouth Turkey Call

Calling a Turkey with a Mouth Call is VERY REWARDING!

Nothing worthwhile comes easy. There is some work required to learn to call turkeys with a mouth call. But using the right call, understanding the different vocalizations of a turkey and some practice is a guaranteed way to begin the journey of using a mouth call effectively to hunt turkeys. It all starts with the right gear and the right instruction. These calls were made so even the newest caller can begin making effective turkey sounds with very little experience and improve and advance as they grow in the endeavor of calling turkeys. Give them a try and see for yourself!

Best Turkey Calls for Beginners

These calls all are made with the beginner in mind and will lead to Spring Success!

Batwing Turkey Call
V-Cut Mouth Turkey Call
Combo Cut Mouth Turkey Call
Ghost Cut Mouth Turkey Call
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